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Microscope photography is a fascinating hobby that’s enjoying increasing popularity among all ages. It lets you see a whole new side to living creatures and non-living things that we’ve seen all our lives. If you wish to capture the wonders of microbiology on film, the best way to understand that is to find a link between microscope photography and microbiology.

What is Microscope Photography?
Photography is a skill and an art. It commonly makes use of cameras and other photographic equipment, but it generally refers to the process of producing pictures. With microscope photography, your focus narrows to magnified images taken of microscopic objects, creatures, or parts.

A microscope camera does not come with as many features as you would expect from high end digital cameras, but it does offer higher than usual zoom power. Also, unlike other branches of photography, microscope photography is affected by the method and quality of preparation used for its subjects. Specimens like fungal spores will benefit from hydration, for instance, but become poor microscope photography subjects if they’re subjected to excessive hydration. Too much use of stains and other fixatives can also greatly modify the sample’s appearance.

The Science of Microbiology
Microbiology is a study of microorganisms. These include but are not limited to certain types of algae, fungi, and prokaryotes. Viruses are also often included in the realm of microbiology even if they cannot be, strictly speaking, considered as organisms.

Microscope Photography and Microbiology
Microscope photography goes a long way in helping produce numerous achievements in the field of microbiology. If the photos taken of microbiology samples are of excellent quality, they can be used to provide further information for research and analysis.

Important Microbiology Tools in Microscope Photography
Now that we know how microbiology and microscope photography work together, it’s time to identify the different tools that help produce excellent photomicrographs. In actuality, however, all tools in microbiology can be considered important as they all have significant roles to play in ensuring that samples retain their original look and condition when they’re photographed. Nonetheless, a few microbiology tools are mentioned and explained below.

Flasks, Test Tubes, and Jars – These are metal and glassware used for containing mostly liquid samples. Erlenmeyer flasks, for instance, are used for containing liquid samples scheduled for sterilization. Other flasks are designed to withstand high-temperature boiling conditions. Metal test tubes are used, on the other hand, for cultivating samples in a safe cultured environment. Loose caps may be used to allow important gas exchange without microbial contamination taking place.

Jars – Coplin jars are used to store dyes for staining slides. A Brewer anaerobic jar is on the other hand used for creating anaerobic conditions. There are other types of jars, most of which are designed to meet specific needs.

Pipettes – These are mainly used to accurately measure and transfer liquid. Volumetric pipettes are used for measuring predetermined amounts of liquids while serological pipettes are used for the opposite. Serological pipettes may be drain-out or blow-out. Accessories like pipette fillers and pumps are used when oral or mouth transfer is considered risky.

Other Glass and Plastic Tools - A beaker is used to boil and measure liquids. Petri plates work as growth chambers when microorganisms like bacteria have certain nutrition needs. Safety glasses and goggles may be worn to protect your eyesight during critical experiments. Membrane filters are used for sterilizing liquids that are sensitive to heat. Reagent bottles are used to store corrosive chemicals. Other tools included in this category are Salversan burettes and graduated cylinders.

Other Metal and Paper Tools – Lens paper is used to clean your microscope’s objective lens without causing damage to its sensitive surface. Test tube brushes are used for cleaning test tubes while test tube holders are provided for safe and easy transfer of test tubes.

Tests – There are also various tests that samples may have to be subjected to during observation. The Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion test is conducted, for instance, to determine antibiotic susceptibility. Other tests that microbiology samples may be subjected to include hemolysis, catalase production, and nitrate reduction.

Microscope photography is indeed an irresistible hobby to take on, especially when you choose to focus on microbiology samples. Although people are generally aware of what microbiology represents, not all of us are blessed to see and take actual photographs of creatures that have long existed with us side by side without being seen. When microscope photography and microbiology join forces, you can catch a rare but exquisite glimpse of the many tiny beautiful worlds within our own. Article link

Click Here For Wide Selection Of High Quality Bargain Microscopes
Tuesday, January 15th, 2008 at 5:12 am
Microscope Photography
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